Tips for Looking After Your Lips During The Winter Months

 The winter months can play havoc on your lips leaving them chapped and painfully cracked. It is so important to protect your lips. Here are 6 tips you may find useful:-

1. Drink lots of water. This hydrates both your body and your lips.

2. Use a lip balm which contains shea butter, beeswax or cocoa butter. These ingredients have beautiful moisturizing qualities which leave the lips feeling soft and hydrated.

3. When you go out, use your scarf to cover your face. This means less exposure to the elements and your lips maintain their moisture.

4. Do not lick your lips when you are out and about as the wind takes away the moisture. Additionally the enzymes in your saliva can break down the protective barrier of the skin.

5. Use a humidifier. The air inside your homes can also be dry. A humidifier can introduce moisture back into the air.

6. Maintain a healthy diet and fitness regime. If you don’t have a strong immune system it could result in you having cold sores.
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