What Are The Benefits Of A Body Scrub?

I was asked today about the benefits of exfoliating the skin. When you go to a beauty counter, you can see a variety of scrubs which are either salt, sugar, cleansing or are emulsified. Exfoliation can be an important part in your skin care programme and is great for removing older skin which has become dull and dry. It has a dustier appearance on darker skin. Gently exfoliating the skin removes the dead skin and is fantastic for improv...ing the circulation. The result is the skin looks brighter and fresher and definitely more radiant. Exfoliation helps lymph glands remove toxins and it also breaks down the fatty deposits which appear on the skin as cellulite. Emulsified scrubs do not feel dry on the skin and moisturize the skin without leaving it feeling greasy. Why not experiment and see what an exfoliating scrub can do for you!

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