Skin Care Basics

Do you have a bathroom shelf full of skin care products? Do you use them for a short period of time without giving them a chance to work and then change to a new product? Well in reality, you should not use too many skin care items. The skin cell turnover is every 28 days and as you get older, it is slower. You have to give it time for the skin to reap the benefits from the product you are using. If you are constantly changing your skincare items, you are confusing the skin and upsetting it which can lead to irritations.
Be ruthless and go through your make up bag and clear your shelves of all the items you don’t really need. Invest in a good moisturizer for your skin type as well as a good night cream and serum. Additionally I recommend you can get the following:-

1. A gentle face scrub to exfoliate.

2. For mature skins purchase a neck cream and when you apply it, be sure to sweep the cream in an upwards motion.

3. Eye cream – this is particularly good for noticeable fine lines, dark circles and puffy eyes.

4. Skin care protection for exposure to the sun - as well as using sun preps with an SPF between 20-30 remember that aftersun is just as important!




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