What's Your Daily Cleansing Regime?

It might sound silly but why is it so important to have a cleansing routine? Well, it removes impurities and make up with the result of a fresher complexion and hopefully no blemishes if it is done on a regular basis.

There are so many different products out there and you must always try to use products which are suitable for your skin otherwise they can cause more harm than it is good. At the moment I am using The Aluminé range which is vegan friendly.

There are many different cleansing regimes but here is a simple one that I recommend:


This part of the regime will remove impurities such as dirt, oil and bacteria. If they are not removed from the skin it will cause breakouts as a result of pores becoming blocked. Cleansing is also fantastic for stimulating the blood circulation in your face, leaving you with a fresh glowing appearance. Cleansing simply involves lathering the cleanser into your hands and applying it to the skin and neck in an upward circular motion for a few minutes. Rinse the face with water and pat dry. Never rub the face with towel as this can cause damage to the skin


It is really important to tone the skin as it prepares it for moisturising and it balances the skin’s pH. Try not to use alcohol on your skin as this can be too harsh and have a dehydrating effect on your face which makes it look dull. Some toners are applied simply by using a cotton ball to the face and neck. The face is then left to dry.


Moisturising hydrates the skin and gives it a soft and silky feel. Be careful to pick the right product for your skin type and ensure that it provides protection from the sun. When applied, rub from the neck to the face in an upward motion.

Following a daily cleansing routine will ensure that you have gorgeous healthy skin.

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