My Crazy Week

How has your week been? I hope it hasn’t been as stressful as mine.

Well I am still recovering from an exhausting and hectic week which has involved:-

  • Driving miles to meet customers
  • Giving presentations about my products
  • Helping my three children with their homework. I don’t know about you, but it seems as if the homework is getting longer and more demanding. I find it is becoming more difficult trying to juggle three sets of homework. One of them is always trying to find a way to get out of doing it.
  • Tantrums – I think that I have become a professional referee trying to stop fights, temper tantrums and the constant, “It’s so light so why do I have to go to bed so early?”
  • Costume issues – Two of my children were taking part in their school’s version of ‘Britain’s got talent’. I received strict instructions from them as to how they should be dressed for their performance. I was amazed at how seriously they took themselves, but I have to say I was really proud of what they did and without my help.
  • After school clubs – dashing back and forth between 3 lots of school pick-ups and feeding them all.

It seems that there are never enough hours in the day. Do you have this problem?        

Why do I do it? Well quite simply, it gives me the chance to plan my life around my family and my other commitments.

It is great to know that if my children need me, I can be there. If events are happening, I don’t need to ask anyone for permission.

I am my own boss and I can do as I please without worrying about what my employers think about me.

Now it’s time to unwind and reward myself with one of my very own bath treats.

If you, like me, need the occasional bath treat to unwind after a hectic week, go to the following link:

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