5 Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing

5 Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing

Your skin has many functions for example protecting from infection, the production of vitamin D when coming into contact with the sun and helping with detoxification. It is therefore really important to care for your skin.

If your skin is inundated with the job of getting rid of toxins and dead skin cells, it won’t work at it’s optimum. This is where dry skin brushing comes in as it helps with getting with rid of excess dead skin cells and waste removal.

Here are 5 benefits of how dry skin brushing can help you.

1. It can act as a channel of stress relief. Dry skin brushing is almost like a massage as it reduces muscle tension and calms the mind. 

2. It helps to invigorate the skin .

3. It can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite by softening the hard fat deposits under the skin. This also helps with the removal of toxins.

4. Dry skin brushing improves the circulation as it eliminates metabolic waste.

5. It’s a great exfoliator for the skin – it unblocks clogged pores by removing dead skin and allows the healthy skin to breathe.

Dry skin brushing is easy. You can use a brush with a long handle and natural, stiff bristles and simply brush in the direction of the heart.

Don’t press too heavily as this can leave the skin feeling sore and looking red. Dry skin brushing can be done on most parts of the body with the exception of the face which is too delicate for this process.

Aim to brush for 2 to 20 minutes.

You will need a good moisturiser to ensure that your skin remains soft. Using a product which contains shea butter or coconut oil does wonders in helping the skin to maintain a vibrant and glowing look.

Email me at mel@melslittleluxuries.co.uk find out how our Citrus Delight Whipped Body butter can help as a great moisturiser.

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