5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Drink Fizzy Drinks

I am totally gutted.

I just bought a magazine which had an article about fizzy drinks and I’m going to have to give them up!

I knew that they weren’t good if you drank them in excess, but I just hadn’t fully appreciated just how bad they really were for my general health.

I don’t drink them all the time but they are my occasional treat.  

What am I going to do and you are probably wondering what I am going on about.

The article gave several reasons why I should not drink fizzy drinks and here are some of the reasons:-

  1. Some soft drinks can contain up to 11 teaspoons of sugar per serving. Can you imagine the damage the sugar does to your teeth as well as piling on the pounds if you drink it in excess?
  2. It has no nutritional benefit whatsoever.
  3. Research has concluded that drinking fizzy drinks can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer.
  4. Fizzy drinks can be bad for your bone health. Why is this? Well, the high sugar content causes the loss of calcium which results in weakened bones and the development of osteoporosis and kidney stones. In short, soft drinks increase the urinary excretion of calcium.
  5. Diet drinks are no better as they contain artificial sweeteners which are high in sugar. In addition, research has shown that these drinks result in vascular problems.

So how do we combat this problem?

Good old water. That’s right! Drink water and lots of it. If you really miss the fizz, then try sparkling mineral water instead.

If you are looking for a healthy nutritional drink, why not try the fantastic Benevita Shake It Range. It can be used as part of a weight management system which can help you to lose weight, put on weight or maintain your weight.

If you want to look great, feel great and live great, email me at melslittleluxuries@btopenworld.com

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