9 Top Tips to Have Great Looking Skin This Winter!

Have you noticed how your skin appears to take on the brunt of the winter weather? You spend all year round caring for it and then suddenly your skin appears dry and flaky.

It is so important to look after your skin and avoid these extremities.

Well here are my 9 top tips to transform your skin during the cold weather.

1. Moisturize – In the colder weather we tend to turn up the heating and this can also contribute to dry skin. Daily hydration is therefore necessary, so moisturize, moisturize and moisturize.

2. Hydrate Internally – As well as taking care of the outside, we need to take care of the inside. Drink lots of water, at least 8 cups of water a day, and try to eat foods which are water rich such as cauliflower, spinach and green peppers.

3. Avoid sugar and starch rich foods which can lead to dry skin. Also avoid drinks which contain diuretics such as coffee and tea. Go for caffeine free herbal teas.

4. Sunblock – I know that this may be hard to believe at the moment due to the bad weather, but the sun can be at its worse at winter when it is cold and if the rays deflect off the sun. This is particularly relevant if you go skiing.

5. Protect your kissers – Yes, that’s right. Your lips need looking after. After all they are skin too. They are susceptible to drying out during winter. So use a good moisturizing lip balm.

6. Be positive – There’s probably a couple of you out there thinking “What??”, but are you aware that people tend to get quite stressed out during the winter period which is also the holiday season. So people, limit stress by having a positive attitude. This makes so much difference. Over time, being stressed, upset and angry ages you. Therefore, find reasons to be positively happy.

7. A humidifying is a fantastic way of hydrating the skin. The vapours actually help with the prevention of flaky skin and dryness.

8. Try and keep a handcream in your bag and it makes a fantastic stocking filler.

9. Don’t take hot showers. They are drying and remove the natural oils from the skin.

So try to enjoy the winter season but remember, take care of your precious skin.

Do you want to have healthy, nourished and moisturized skin this winter? Aren’t you fed up with dry, flaky and dull looking skin?

Well, Mel’s Little Luxuries has the answer! For your skin, there is the gorgeous nourishing Citrus Delight Whipped Body Butter which moisturizes and enhances the appearance of your skin. It’s particularly great after a bath or shower, leaving your skin feeling soft and silky.

Why not PM me to find out more or pop over to www.melslittleluxuries.co.uk on the skin care section to find out more.
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