How Do You Deal with Oily Skin and Enlarged Pores?

No one has the same type of skin and you have to be careful about what you use. A lot of the products out there on the market are quite harsh and can cause additional problems which is a big no no. In particular, with oily skin, you may find that pores are becoming blocked with toxins and this results in breakouts. So here are 7 tips on how to deal with Oily skin: -

Oily skin

  1. Avoid oily creams which block the pores and lead to further irritation
  2. Use only gentle water soluble cleansers.
  3. Avoid harsh toners which can strip the skin which accelerates further problems with oil production.
  4. Often manufacturers use ingredients with benzyl peroxide which has the potential to be an allergen. This in turn means that a skin irritation is caused. So make sure that the product you are using does not contain it.
  5. Don’t use soap bars. Sometimes the ingredients in the bar can leave a residue on the skin which blocks the pores. Occasionally it can also result in dryness to the skin.
  6. Use a clay mask. This is great for absorbing the excess oils in the skin. Fuller’s Earth is also another type of clay which does the same job.
  7. If possible, use a face mask which helps with detoxifying the skin and unblocking the pores. The beauty of a face mask is that it helps with cleansing and toning so that moisturizing products can work more effectively. As a result, you are left with vibrant and healthy looking skin. A face mask is also great for exfoliation and deep cleansing so that pimples and blemishes are treated.

Did you know that tomatoes are a fantastic way to deal with oily skin? They contain fruit acids which are fab for getting rid of blackheads to which oily skin are prone. It’s unbelievable to think that they brighten dull skin by loosening the skin surface cells. Simply slice a ripe tomato thickly and lie down. Apply the slices to your face and leave for a few minutes. Rinse and pat dry.

Another great natural way of dealing with oily skin is by making your own natural toner out of tea! Make a tea by combining 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile with 1 tablespoon of dried rosemary. Strain the herbs and bottle in the fridge. When you apply it to the skin, just use cotton wool. It is beautifully gentle and cleanses well.

So What About Enlarged Pores?

Various factors can cause your pores to become enlarged. Age, sun damage and clogged pores are just some of the examples. You cannot physically alter the size of pores but you can enhance their appearance by doing 3 simple natural things: -

  1. Make a face mask consisting of 2 egg whites which have been beaten with the juice from a squeezed lemon. Spread it on your face and leave it for 10 minutes or until it dries. Rinse off with cool water. You can do this a couple of times a week for the month.
  2. Get an ice cube and put it in a clean towel and hold it on your skin for 15-30 seconds. This has a tightening effect on the skin and improves the appearance.
  3. Combine 2 tablespoons of baking soda with lukewarm water to make a paste. Apply it to the skin in a circular motion. Rinse off with water. You can do this for 5-7 days and then reduce this to 3-5 days a week.

Why not email me at if you would like me to give more tips about a particular skin topic.

These are all natural ways of dealing with oily skin, but if you find that the problem worsens, please seek medical advice.

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