
Why Chocolate Is Great For Your Skin!

Posted on April 05, 2022 by Melanie Brown

Slabs of dark chocolate

Ok, who thinks chocolate is bad for you?

Not only does it taste amazing, but did you know Chocolate Is Great For Your Skin too?

Here are some amazing qualities of chocolate for the skin:

  1. Chocolate is abundant with flavonoids which possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This provides wonderful protection for the skin against sun damage.  It is a beautiful natural sunscreen.
  2. Another reason Chocolate Is Great For Your Skin is that it is rich in vitamins and minerals which when absorbed into the skin, leave it gorgeously nourished.
  3. The combination of the minerals and vitamins with the flavonoids combats the free radicals in the environment, which means that Chocolate Is Great For Your Skin because it protects your skin from the premature signs of ageing.
  4. Cocoa powder is an excellent gentle exfoliant improving blood circulation to the skin which helps it to look vibrant with a healthy glow. This is particularly helpful with acne prone skin
  5. Cocoa powder contains caffeine and theobromine which are super helpful in firming the skin and break down fats and reduce fluid retention in the skin clear cellulite and tighten the skin

Still think chocolate is bad for you? When you eat it, chocolate isn’t great for the waistline, but that doesn’t mean you need to avoid it altogether. Because Chocolate really Is Great For Your Skin!

Looking for something a little different this Easter?

Check out the Luxury Chocolate Soap range which is wonderfully moisturising and smells delicious.

SHOP Luxury Chocolate Soap range NOW


2 bars of luxury chocolate orange soap with a slice of orange


Posted in Anti-Aging, anti-aging benefits, anti-inflammatory, benefits of chocolate for skincare, Natural Skincare, skincare, Why Chocolate is Great For Your Skin

3 DIY Skincare Hacks

Posted on April 09, 2021 by Melanie Brown


Your skin is the largest organ in the human body. It is subjected to all sorts of influences such as the weather and pollution.🌡🌬☁️🌞

You therefore have to do all that you can to protect it.⛑

There are a number of things that you can find in your home to help you look after your skin. They will hydrate and moisturize leaving your skin looking healthy and glowing. 🏥👩‍⚕️

Here are 3 simple hacks that you can try at home.🏡

1. Coconut Oil 🥥

This is used for cooking but makes an excellent moisturiser, especially if you suffer from dry skin. It is made up of fatty acids and natural fats. It is renowned for its antimicrobial properties. It can be used on the body by rubbing it into the desired area. It is a little heavy for the face.

2. Honey 🍯

This natural treasure is amazing for dry skin and assisting the healing process. It is known for helping if with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. You can apply a very thin layer to your face like a face mask for 20 minutes. The beauty of honey is that it can be combined to other natural ingredients to soothe and nourish the skin.

3. Aloe vera 🌿

I love this plant 🪴 It has amazing soothing qualities particularly if you have caught the sun 🌞, or have skin irritations such as eczema to acne. It has been recognised for improving the skin texture. Aloe vera can be taken as a supplement, used topically as a gel, or if you have a plant, you can carefully remove one of its leaves and scoop out the inner gel. You can apply a thin layer to your face leaving it on for 20 minutes. 💆‍♀️🧖🏾‍♀️

If you love natural skin care with natural ingredients, check out the Mel's Little Luxuries range.

Posted in Aloe vera, DIY Hacks, Honey, Natural Ingredients, Natural Skincare, Skincare